
A new paradigm for a safer space

At SAFEST we bring efficient and low-cost solutions to reinforce the European launcher sector

Pricey situation

Current standards for launch safety require expensive ground infrastructures. The high demand for space access calls for new ways to maintain safety at lower costs.

Cheaper solution

Through an Autonomous Flight Termination System and the integration of new software and hardware approaches, we will reduce costs and increase performance for a more accessible space.

Better outcome

Our project will knock down barriers for European universities to enter the space sector. This will increase the societal benefits by enabling low-cost missions, and it will lower the environmental footprint.

Leading technology for an affordable space

A game changing approach that will benefit the avionics sector

By transferring safety operations from ground to an Autonomous Flight Termination Unit on board the launcher and developing a modular avionics architecture, we will achieve lower costs and more efficient performance. This will reduce the environmental impact of space transportation and place Europe in a better position in the space competition.

Our partners

Meet the SAFEST team

A consortium of 6 international companies and research teams that works for the next generation of space transportation.

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Ascent and Descent Autonomous Manoeuvrable Platform (ADAMP)

Looking at the new space business trend of being able to reuse space technologies, it can be seen that efforts have been made in the space exploration and transportation scene, with companies and institutes proving that such demonstrations will lead to a more challenging scene in terms of profitability. [...]

April 26, 2024|
Second progress meeting in Munich

After one year of the SAFEST launch, the project consortium gathered in Munich for its second progress meeting, which took place from March 13th to 14th at embedded brains facilities. This meeting served as an opportunity for partners, including Sener Aeroespacial, FENTISS, and embedded brains, who met in person, [...]

March 28, 2024|
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